Evaluation of the ACT Language Education System


July - December 2020

The Challenge

Since 2012, the ACT Government has provided annual financial support to the ACT Community Language Schools Association (ACTCLSA) and annual grants to over 40 individual community language schools to support the delivery of language education. The ACT Multicultural Framework (2015-2020) Second Action Plan 2019-2020 included an independent review on investment in ACT Community Language Schools, with the aim to ​ensure the ACT Government continues to meet the changing needs of the Canberra community and that future investment delivers positive and effective outcomes​.

The solution

Strategic was engaged by the ACT Community Services Directorate to review the operation of their investment in Community Language Schools. Our team undertook the following key steps:

  • Consultations with the ACT Community Language School Association, ACT Government stakeholders​, key sector bodies and the Multicultural Advisory Council​​ and the national peak body

  • Three open public consultations​

  • Benchmarking against other state programs​

  • Literature review and data analysis ​​

The outcome

Our team produced a Review Report which:

  • Provided recommendations for Government, the ACT Community Language Schools Association and individual community schools​

  • Promoted a whole of government support network for community language schools​

  • Proposed new funding mechanisms that would target smaller, newer schools​

  • A draft Program Logic including program goal and objectives, which had never been developed previously​

The report was accepted by the ACT Community Services Directorate and submitted to the Minister and Cabinet.