Australian Volunteers International Mechanics and Dynamics Review

The Challenge

The Australian Volunteers Program (AVP) stands as Australia’s flagship international volunteering initiative, managed by Australian Volunteers International (AVI). Over the past decade, AVP has transitioned from being implemented under a grant agreement to operating as a conventional program managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Currently, AVP represents around 90% of AVI's work, highlighting the program's significance. As AVP embarks on its second five-year phase, a recent program logic refresh emphasises innovation, particularly in response to changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift raises a critical question: Are the existing functions, processes, systems, and ways of working still suitable for achieving the refreshed program objectives, especially with the integration of new methods such as remote volunteering?


The Solution

To address this challenge, Strategic was commissioned to conduct a comprehensive review of AVP's operational framework. This involved 23 individual interviews with key stakeholders, including AVP staff, the DFAT contract manager, and representatives from AVI and its contractor. By relying on individual, not group, interviews, Strategic ensured candid discussions and rich insights. This collaborative effort included a Menti survey to assess the expected levels of effort required from different functional areas in the evolving landscape of the program.


The Outcome

The culmination of this review led to the delivery of a final Options Paper to the AVP Program Director and Deputy Program Director. This comprehensive document presented several strategic options across key operational areas. Notable focuses included establishing an authorising environment, analysing existing operations, exploring new business lines, and proposing revised organisational structures tailored to the chosen options. Additionally, the paper outlined draft revised Terms of Reference for the Program Leadership Team and addressed a fundamental concern about accountability versus responsibility by introducing an Accountability Register as a practical tool for AVP. These insights and recommendations aim to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of AVP, ultimately ensuring that it is well-equipped to meet its renewed objectives and continue its valuable contribution to international volunteering.