Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
November 2023 – April 2024
The Challenge
Strategic led the end of program evaluation of the Samoa Disability Partnership Program (SDPP), a four-year partnership between the Government of Australia (GoA) and the Government of Samoa (GoS) supporting disability-inclusive development in Samoa. This is Phase 2 of Australia’s bilateral disability inclusion support, following six years of the Samoa Disability Program (SDP) from 2012-2019.
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the program and partnership arrangements in achieving the End of Program Outcomes and other key evaluation measures with consideration of the ongoing challenges in the program as referenced in the Terms of Reference (TOR).
The evaluation has a strong formative emphasis. The findings will be used by the program partners, including the Government of Australia, who will use the findings to inform the design of any future bilateral disability inclusion programming in Samoa, specifically through the Tautua Program (facility managing bilateral assistance between GoA and GoS focus is on addressing human and social development needs and gaps).
The Solution
We undertook an evaluation through desktop review, remote consultation and in-country field visits. We offered local expertise with exceptional knowledge of GoS and the local context; regional and global expertise on disability through a consultant who has a strong reputation and recognition and respect of key stakeholders, the Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), government and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT); and we had specific expertise on public finance management.
Our team had knowledge of the previous first phase of the SDPP. We genuinely worked collaboratively with DFAT and the OPD and GoS stakeholders and facilitated accessible discussions prior to the in-country visit and whilst in-country, that gave space for meaningful contributions. We adjusted and adopted processes and timeframes to accommodate the availability of Samoan stakeholders and their preferred ways of working.
The Outcome
An on-time evaluation was delivered to DFAT through the Evaluation Reference Group (ERG) made up of Government of Samoa, Samoan Civil Society Organisations and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities.
The report was frank and addressed challenges but was constructive and gave practical advice on the next steps for program design and improvement of delivery.
The recommendations were endorsed by the Evaluation Reference Group.