Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Humanitarian partnership Division - Humanitarian and Development Deployments Section (HDS)
June 2023 – October 2023
Image c/o DFAT Media Library:
The Challenge
Preparing an updated Investment Design Document (IDD) for the Australia Assists Program Phase 2 was a significant undertaking. The primary objective was to define the strategic direction for the program over the next five years, ensuring alignment with the new Australian Government Development Policy introduced in August 2023. This undertaking required a thoughtful approach that built on past successes while also capitalising on emerging opportunities. Additionally, we had to consider the key lessons outlined in the end-of-program evaluation conducted in November 2022. The IDD needed to provide comprehensive recommendations on resource allocation and management arrangements to facilitate more efficient and effective implementation of the program.
The Solution
Undertaking this complex design update process within a short (four-month) timeline, following the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) guidance, we initially focused our consultations internally, recognising that the recent end-of-program evaluation had already engaged in thorough external consultations. However, as the process progressed, it became clear that some additional input from external stakeholders was essential to enhance the depth and validity of our work.
To address this, we organised remote consultations, including a Theory of Change workshop with DFAT stakeholders, which proved invaluable in clarifying objectives. Regular meetings with the DFAT Humanitarian Partnerships Division (HPD) and Humanitarian Development and Support (HDS) section were integral to managing emerging issues throughout the design update. Our contractor based in Vanuatu, who had firsthand experience as an Australia Assists Deployee, provided crucial insights, enhancing our understanding of program dynamics and operational realities.
The Outcome
Despite the challenge of a tight timeline, we successfully delivered the final Investment Design Document and draft scope of requirements on schedule. This accomplishment not only exemplifies our commitment to the Australia Assists program but also sets a clear strategic direction for the upcoming phase, ensuring that the valuable lessons learned and new opportunities identified are harnessed effectively for future success. The IDD serves as a roadmap that aligns with government policy and addresses the needs of stakeholders, ultimately paving the way for impactful development outcomes.